Data-Driven Strategy Delivers 10:1 Return on TV Ad Spend

Learn how OptimizeRx helped a pharma brand achieve a 10:1 return by refining audience targeting, leveraging Micro-Neighborhood® Targeting, and implementing an omnichannel approach for greater ad effectiveness.


The client aimed to revamp its advertising strategy for a chronic GI medication to boost patient awareness and attract new patients. Their goal was to better reach chronic sufferers, drive meaningful conversations with doctors about treatment options, and ultimately increase the likelihood of prescriptions for the brand through a targeted and efficient campaign approach. 

  • 25% The ad ranked in the top 25% for impressions per new prescriptions (NRx) generated.
  • >10:1 Delivered greater than a 10:1 Return on Advertising Spend, demonstrating an efficient and highly effective use of advertising dollars.
  • Top 33% 3 out of 4 audience segments ranked in the top one-third for impressions per NRx generated.
  • 6:1 Achieved more than a 6:1 Return on Advertising Spend, highlighting the effectiveness of the omnichannel strategy.


  • The client’s initial campaign targeted an overly broad audience, reaching patients with acute conditions rather than chronic sufferers. This misalignment limited the effectiveness of their ads and hindered patient engagement. The challenge was to refine the audience strategy to ensure ads reached those most likely to benefit from the medication, maximizing impact and return.

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We used privacy-compliant medical claims data to redefine the target audience, focusing on chronic sufferers. Through Micro-Neighborhood Targeting, we identified high concentrations of eligible patients and delivered tailored ads via key MVPD partners. Expanding into digital display ads created an omnichannel strategy, reinforcing the brand message across multiple touchpoints for better patient engagement.

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Hyper-local, high-value targeting

Prioritized zip-9 geographies deciled to best align with patients media consumption habits. 


Privacy-safe, clinically precise segmentation

Patented technology leveraging de-identified prescription and claims data for precise patient targeting, compliant with evolving state regulations. 


Exclusive, premium inventory

Partnered with all major MVPDs, DSPs and PMPs providing exclusive offers and top tier service for omnichannel experiences. 

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