Using the EHR Workflow to Raise Awareness of New Medical Device Brand

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Using the EHR Workflow to Raise Awareness of New Medical Device Brand

According to the CDC, over 37 million people in the US suffer from diabetes, and recent research from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health suggests that an increasing percentage of adults are struggling to manage their blood sugar levels.  

Despite the continuous growth in treatment options, diabetes continues to be a difficult disease to manage – particularly type 2 diabetes. Diet and lifestyle modifications can be challenging to implement, and medication costs can also be a barrier – especially for patients requiring insulin injections.  

Expanding Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Diabetes Patient Care

Along with advances in medications, medical device technology also offers new options for patients, which is why it is critical that healthcare providers (HCPs) stay up-to-date on the best options for their patients. Yet as the landscape for diabetes expands, it can be difficult for physicians to keep track of the range of options available, as well as easily determine what treatments will best help each patient manage their diabetes.

OptimizeRx worked with a newly-launched continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) device brand to help eligible patients access and benefit from a more complete, proactive picture of their blood sugar levels. Unlike standard blood glucose meters that give a moment-in-time picture of an individual’s blood sugar (and require potentially-painful finger pricks), a CGM device helps people understand how their blood sugar increases or decreases over the course of the day. Not only does level of insight provide more information to patients’ HCPs, but it also empowers patients by offering them real-time feedback into how their choices affect their blood sugar levels. 

Despite the advantages of the device’s CGM technology, the brand faced significant market competition, as well as competing and potentially confusing information about CGM versus standard blood sugar monitoring devices. What’s more, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic made it more difficult for patients to see their doctors – and for brand field reps to educate HCPs about the device value proposition and benefits.  

Building Brand Awareness into the EHR Workflow

OptimizeRx’s solution was to engage HCPs directly within the Electronic Health Records (EHR) workflow, so physicians would see information about device benefits when they were reviewing electronic patient charts. Not only did this approach ensure the brand was top-of-mind while making patient care decisions, but OptimizeRx’s data-driven approach ensured that brand information was only delivered when a patient’s record indicated they were well qualified for the device. As a result, the program was both highly targeted, as well as cost-effective for the brand team.

Program Outcome: Increased Device Prescriptions and Measurable Returns

By delivering patient-targeting brand information directly to physicians within the EHR workflow, OptimizeRx was able to help educate physicians about the device's benefits and value at the moment when they were actively engaged in caring for qualified patients.

Within six months of the campaign launch, the brand saw over 1,200 incremental device prescriptions – with 6.7% more prescriptions coming from physicians receiving the targeted messages. Overall, the combined impact of the campaign was a 200% return on the brand team’s investment, which illustrates the powerful impact of EHR-based programs for medical device brands. 

Could the EHR Help Your Medical Device Brand Better Reach and Engage Physicians?

Targeted, data-driven device information to physicians with the EHR workflow, is one of the easiest ways to keep your brand top-of-mind in competitive landscapes, or to raise awareness of your newly-launched product.
Explore OptimizeRx’s full range of EHR-based solutions for medical devices to learn more about how we can support your brand goals. 

Ready to learn more? Explore OptimizeRx Omnichannel Brand Messaging solutions or book some time to connect with our team about your program.