Expanding Professional Healthcare Communities For Innovative Collaboration

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Interpersonal relationships and innovative dialogue fuel my position as SVP of pharma sales at OptimizeRx. Without them, I cannot lead my team well or continue to foster and expand relationships with clients, thought leaders, and key decision makers in our industry. As someone constantly on the lookout for these dynamics in events, OptimizeRx’s first annual #Innovate4Outcomes event was especially intriguing to me.

The event, which was designed to foster critical conversations and innovative feedback among industry leaders, exceeded all expectations I had for connection and collaboration with colleagues new and old.

The most unique attribute of the #Innovate4Outcomes event was that we were placed on strategic teams rather than selecting which talks in which we were interested from a long agenda. This type of close collaboration among colleagues who normally wouldn’t interact (i.e. an oncology nurse with a life sciences representative with a CEO from a tech start up still in their funding rounds) allowed each of us a glimpse into perspectives we wouldn’t normally have surrounding issues of health outcomes for patients and ways in which providers on the frontlines manage care for patients.  

From a sales position, the ability to hear these perspectives from the healthcare professionals who are currently or could benefit from our OptimizeRx platform allowed me to better understand where we are meeting needs and where we can continue to innovate in order to better meet the needs of HCPs on the front line and in specialty care positions. The sales pitch usually attached to these types of events was removed entirely; I was able to observe as much as participate without the need to push a specific product or solution.  

My team has since kept in touch with one another in an effort to continue this spirit of collaboration and we often bounce new ideas and issues around. Were it not for #Innovate4Outcomes I would likely have never worked with the healthcare professionals with whom I was paired or created unique relationships with the industry partners who participated in the event. Prior to the event, I didn’t know what I was missing when it came to hearing real-world perspectives and feedback, and the value of truly bringing together a diverse group of individuals to hear their perspectives on how we could address issues we are all facing in healthcare, just from different angles and learning about the nuances helped create great discussion and new solutions of which were incredibly impactful and insightful. I am thrilled by the opportunity to participate in #Innovate4Outcomes in 2022, and to continue to collaborate with my inaugural team for years to come as we all strive for better healthcare and delivery to strengthen support for clinicians and outcomes for patients.