Unlocking Opportunity Through HCP+DTC Alignment in Omnichannel Oncology Marketing

In the face of growing competition for patient and physician attention from new market entrants, the rise of healthcare influencers, and an explosion of media options, the pressure to drive omnichannel marketing effectiveness and efficiency has never been higher. Particularly in fast-moving, time-sensitive therapeutic areas like oncology, it’s critical that brand information reaches patients and the ecosystem of providers that treat them in the most opportune moments. Ensuring your treatment is front and center at critical care touchpoints in the patient journey is paramount.

At the 2024 Digital Pharma East Conference, we explored how life changing pharmaceutical treatments can capitalize on today’s technological advances and rich data resources to achieve tighter control on HCP and DTC messages and timing to amplify omnichannel marketing effectiveness, drive economies of scale, better inform patients and physicians, and increase commercial impact.


Meet the thought leaders


Jen Dwyer

SVP Sales, OptimizeRx

Mike Rousselle

VP of Data Product, OptimizeRx, OptimizeRx

Sheila Carter

Merck Oncology, Merck

Molly Lee

Merck Oncology, Merck