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Data & Compliance

We Take Compliance Seriously—
Yours and Ours.

As the data privacy landscape evolves, OptimizeRx is committed to the ethical use of data and the privacy and safety of medical information.

For True Patient Centric Solutions, Data & Privacy Compliance is Non-Negotiable

Data and compliance are at the heartbeat of our business. Our marketing technology and solutions are fully compliant with HIPAA, as well as with emerging state patient privacy regulations – including Washington state’s My Health My Data Act and similar regulations.
3rd-Party HIPAA Certification

Icon-4259FF-Primary-ElectricBlue (22)Conducted every 12 months to ensure data and associated processes cannot result in patient re-identification. Complies with new state privacy laws including WA, CA, VA, UT, and CT.


Data Safe & Compliant Environment

Icon-4259FF-Primary-ElectricBlue (30)Separate staging and production environments. All steps are performed in staging by our privacy and data security trained staff prior to being pushed to production.

Privacy By Design Methodology

Icon-4259FF-Primary-ElectricBlue (37)Examples include removing hyperlocal groups where population thresholds are not met, where sensitive diagnosis minimum thresholds are not met, or populations are outside of the United States.

Audience Attributes

Icon-4259FF-Primary-ElectricBlue (20)OptimizeRx uses only anonymous, de-identified data aggregated over 36 months to identify target hyperlocal groups. We do not use any individual or user-level information.

Profiling/Targeting Campaign Analytics

Icon-4259FF-Primary-ElectricBlue (16)Privacy certified open & closed panel data sets with up to 5 years of history. Minimum data aggregations applied. Sensitive conditions, places of service, procedures, & revenue codes redacted per annual privacy certification process.

Industry Approved

Icon-4259FF-Primary-ElectricBlue (36)OptimizeRx has privacy processes reviewed and approved by multiple legal teams, including Top 20 pharmaceutical companies and leading agencies.

Integrated, Privacy-Safe Data Repository

Healthcare Claims Data

300M Patients | 5+ Years of History | Monthly Updates

  • CPT Code
  • ICD-10 Code
  • J Code
  • HCPCS Code

Pharmacy (Rx) Claims

  • Rx/NDC Code
  • Insurance Reimbursement
Consumer Attributes & SDOH

240M Adults | Quarterly Updates

  • Demographics
  • Attitudes, Lifestyles, Interests
  • Media Preferences
  • Multi-factor Segmentation Model
Set up an expert consultation

Today, there are more variables than knowns. Let’s ensure that your marketing partner isn’t one of them.