Profiler by OptimizeRx draws on a robust, integrated dataset of medical, consumer, and media data to create customized, brand-specific audience analyses that show exactly where your patients are most
likely to engage. That means you know the specific channels to prioritize before spending a single media dollar – eliminating planning uncertainty.
Optimize your launch media budget and brand messaging to engage patients from day one – and drive the strong uptake stakeholders expect.
Stand out from the crowd with a nuanced, brand-specific analysis of the channels to prioritize – and avoid – in order to engage your most qualified patients.
Analyze your current channel and impression allocation against clinically specific patient cohorts for an in-depth audit to guide advertising adjustments.
Profiler draws on 305 million de-identified patient records linked to consumer preferences from 260 million adults, for custom cohorts tailored to your specific patient profiles.
Gain a deeper understanding of your exact patients’ demographics, media preferences, and social determinants of health all in one place, so you can avoid the enormous time and cost of piecing together information from various sources.
In-house methodology allows all variables to be included as standard, and eliminates the need for costly data purchases, TPAs, and data transfers.
Profiler analyses are tailored to address the questions media planners and brand managers need to know, with clear takeaways that can be directly applied to media strategies.
Unlike mid-campaign Audience Quality (AQ) or ROI readouts, Profiler provides optimization insights before your campaign begins, so you can make smarter planning and investment decisions.